Grackles galore and a wave of wings

Spring arrived on the wings of birds yesterday, by way of many Grackles who made themselves known to me by sound, before I could actually see them.

My far off photo doesn’t do these lovely birds justice.  One really has to appreciate Grackles by seeing them up close.  Quite impossible to see their glossy blue heads and iridescent bodies from this distance. They’re actually quite beautiful birds!

The amount of Grackles I could offer here by way of a photo is just the tip of the iceberg, too. There must have been at least 80 birds and counting as I watched their compatriots arriving in a winged wave.

As they announced themselves to anyone and everyone in the vicinity, movie buffs might almost sense Alfred Hitchcock’s ghost lurking about! But no,  an eerie feeling of impending doom wasn’t felt from these exuberant feathered friends. Quite the opposite! More like a convivial banter and a salutation of spring.

About Wall Flower Studiohttps://wallflowerstudiogarden.comGardener, artist, blogger, earthling. #AmWriting

2 thoughts on “Grackles galore and a wave of wings

  1. For years I confused Grackles with the European Starling but today I Googled and learned the difference. Now I’m keen to see a Grackle and not a starling! Lucky you to have seen such a big flock.


    • Thank you Susanne! Like you, I’d also thought they were Starlings until we moved up here to Haliburton from Toronto. I had placed bird feeders around our yard, (which the bears discovered and quickly put an end to that), but prior to that happening, the Grackles began to visit so I was able to see them up close.
      I’m expecting the Juncos soon. They’re absolutely adorable and fly in en masse as well. I throw bird seed on our driveway for them as an offering. As you likely know, they’re not as loud as the Grackles so I’ll have to keep an eye out for their arrival.
      Have a terrific day!

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